20.A - Fruit Beer (BJCP 2008)


A harmonious marriage of fruit and beer. The key attributes of the underlying style will be different with the addition of fruit; do not expect the base beer to taste the same as the unadulterated version. Judge the beer based on the pleasantness and balance of the resulting combination. Overall balance is the key to presenting a wellmade fruit beer. The fruit should complement the original style and not overwhelm it. The brewer should recognize that some combinations of base beer styles and fruits work well together while others do not make for harmonious combinations. THE ENTRANT MUST SPECIFY THE UNDERLYING BEER STYLE AS WELL AS THE TYPE OF FRUIT(S) USED. IF THIS BEER IS BASED ON A CLASSIC STYLE (E.G., BLONDE ALE) THEN THE SPECIFIC STYLE MUST BE SPECIFIED. CLASSIC STYLES DO NOT HAVE TO BE CITED (E.G.,


Aroma: The distinctive aromatics associated with the particular fruit(s) should be noticeable in the aroma; however, note that some fruit (e.g., raspberries, cherries) have stronger aromas and are more distinctive than others (e.g., blueberries, strawberries)


Vary by base style. OG, FG, IBUs, SRM and ABV will vary depending on the underlying base beer, but the fruit will often be reflected in the color.


New Glarus Belgian Red and Raspberry Tart, Bell


Data Min. Max.
Original gravity 1.030 1.110
Final gravity 1.004 1.024
Bitterness 5.0 IBU 70.0 IBU
Color 5.9 EBC 98.5 EBC
Alcohol 2.50 ° 12.00 °

Recipes on Zython (7)

Fruity Ale
All grain- 20.A - Fruit Beer
5.1% 13 IBU 5.0 l OhlaKette
Birra Colada
All grain- 20.A - Fruit Beer
6.1% 34 IBU 20.0 l OhlaKette
La résineuse
All grain- 20.A - Fruit Beer
8.3% 19 IBU 7.0 l Tintin
Imperial Zita
All grain- 20.A - Fruit Beer
9.6% 58 IBU 10.0 l Fela
All grain- 20.A - Fruit Beer
7.1% 25 IBU 27.0 l Jessy
All grain- 20.A - Fruit Beer
5.9% 31 IBU 10.0 l Stef49
All grain- 20.A - Fruit Beer
5.9% 31 IBU 10.0 l Fela

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