18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale (BJCP 2008)


A dark, very rich, complex, very strong Belgian ale. Complex, rich, smooth and dangerous. Most versions are unique in character reflecting characteristics of individual breweries. Authentic Trappist versions tend to be drier (Belgians would say


Aroma: Complex, with a rich malty sweetness, significant esters and alcohol, and an optional light to moderate spiciness. The malt is rich and strong, and can have a Munich-type quality often with a caramel, toast and/or bready aroma. The fruity esters are strong to moderately low, and can contain raisin, plum, dried cherry, fig or prune notes. Spicy phenols may be present, but usually have a peppery quality not clovelike. Alcohols are soft, spicy, perfumy and/or rose-like, and are low to moderate in intensity. Hops are not usually present (but a very low noble hop aroma is acceptable). No diacetyl. No dark/roast malt aroma. No hot alcohols or solventy aromas. No recognizable spice additions.
Appearance: Deep amber to deep coppery-brown in color (


Belgian yeast strains prone to production of higher alcohols, esters, and sometimes phenolics are commonly used. Water can be soft to hard. Impression of a complex grain bill, although many traditional versions are quite simple, with caramelized sugar syrup or unrefined sugars and yeast providing much of the complexity. Homebrewers may use Belgian Pils or pale base malt, Munich-type malts for maltiness, other Belgian specialty grains for character. Caramelized sugar syrup or unrefined sugars lightens body and adds color and flavor (particularly if dark sugars are used). Noble-type, English-type or Styrian Goldings hops commonly used. Spices generally not used; if used, keep subtle and in the background. Avoid US/UK crystal type malts (these provide the wrong type of sweetness).


Westvleteren 12 (yellow cap), Rochefort 10 (blue cap), St. Bernardus Abt 12, Gouden Carolus Grand Cru of the Emperor, Achel Extra Brune, Rochefort 8 (green cap), Southampton Abbot 12, Chimay Grande Reserve (Blue), Brasserie des Rocs Grand Cru, Gulden Draak, Kasteelbier Bi


Data Min. Max.
Original gravity 1.075 1.110
Final gravity 1.010 1.024
Bitterness 20.0 IBU 35.0 IBU
Color 23.6 EBC 43.3 EBC
Alcohol 8.00 ° 11.00 °

Recipes on Zython (14)

Clone Gouden Carolus Classic
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
7.9% 28 IBU 50.0 l MaJa
Clone Gouden Carolus Classic
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
7.9% 28 IBU 50.0 l MaJa
Trappiste brune
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
9.1% 37 IBU 20.0 l MaJa
Dark Daze
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
8.8% 32 IBU 20.0 l nostradamnit
Trappiste brune
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
9.1% 37 IBU 20.0 l ElPastorBelga
Clone Gouden Carolus Classic
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
7.9% 28 IBU 50.0 l ElPastorBelga
Clone Gouden Carolus Classic
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
7.9% 28 IBU 50.0 l ElPastorBelga
La platine
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
7.4% 20 IBU 20.0 l MickD
Trappiste brune
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
9.1% 37 IBU 20.0 l MickD
Frida La Brune - Frida K'ale Ho
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
5.1% 0 IBU 30.0 l Brasserie_Proudhon
Clone Gouden Carolus Classic
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
7.9% 28 IBU 50.0 l Benver
La Trappiste bien laïque
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
9.2% 24 IBU 20.0 l miche7
Clone Gouden Carolus Classic
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
7.9% 28 IBU 50.0 l bnp
déchausse dents
All grain- 18.E - Belgian Dark Strong Ale
0.0% 0 IBU 18.0 l beerakem

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