A fruity, spicy, refreshing version of an American IPA, but with a lighter color, less body, and featuring the distinctive yeast or spice additions typical of a Witbier.
Moderate esters, often orange, grapefruit, apricot, or sometimes banana. Light spices optional, usually coriander, orange peel, pepper, or clove. Medium-low to medium hop aroma, often stone fruit, citrus, or tropical fruit. Esters and spices may reduce perception of hop aroma. Low neutral, grainy, or bready malt. Light alcohol aroma optional.
Pale to deep golden color. Typically hazy. Moderate to large, dense white head that persists.
Moderate to high esters, medium-low to medium-high hop flavor, and light spices, all with the same descriptors as aroma. Light malt flavor, perhaps a bit bready. High bitterness. Moderately dry, refreshing finish. Background alcohol flavor optional.
Medium-light body. Medium to medium-high carbonation. Light spice astringency optional. Low warmth optional.
Pale and wheat malts, Belgian Witbier yeast, citrusy American type hops. Coriander and orange peel optional.
Lagunitas A Little Sumpin' Sumpin' Ale, New Belgium Accumulation
Data | Min. | Max. |
Original gravity | 1.056 | 1.065 |
Final gravity | 1.010 | 1.016 |
Bitterness | 40.0 IBU | 70.0 IBU |
Color | 9.9 EBC | 11.8 EBC |
Alcohol | 5.50 ° | 7.00 ° |