16.A - Sweet Stout (BJCP 2021)


A very dark, sweet, full-bodied, slightly roasty stout that can suggest coffee-and-cream, or sweetened espresso.


Mild roasted grain aroma, sometimes with coffee or chocolate notes. An impression of cream-like sweetness often exists. Fruitiness can be low to moderately high. Low diacetyl optional. Low floral or earthy hop aroma optional.

Very dark brown to black in color. Clear, if not opaque. Creamy tan to brown head.

Dark, roasted, coffee or chocolate flavors dominate the palate. Low to moderate fruity esters. Moderate bitterness. Medium to high sweetness provides a counterpoint to the roasted character and bitterness, lasting into the finish. The balance between dark grains or malts and sweetness can vary, from quite sweet to moderately dry and somewhat roasty. Low diacetyl optional. Low floral or earthy hop flavor optional.

Medium-full to full-bodied and creamy. Low to moderate carbonation. High residual sweetness from unfermented sugars enhances the full-tasting mouthfeel.


Base of pale malt with dark malts or grains. May use grain or sugar adjuncts. Lactose is frequently added to provide additional residual sweetness.


Bristol Beer Factory Milk Stout, Firestone Nitro Merlin Milk Stout, Left Hand Milk Stout, Lancaster Milk Stout, Mackeson's XXX Stout, Marston’s Pearl Jet Stout


Data Min. Max.
Original gravity 1.044 1.060
Final gravity 1.012 1.024
Bitterness 20.0 IBU 40.0 IBU
Color 59.1 EBC 78.8 EBC
Alcohol 4.00 ° 6.00 °

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