Jeune & Vrillé·e v4 – 2024-01-30 27.I - Historical Beer: Sahti

@enso - Jan. 30, 2024


Amount Name Type # %/IBU
Grain icon  108.00 kg Pale Malt (7.0 EBC) Grain 1 54.3%
Grain icon  40.00 kg Malt de seigle (9.3 EBC) Grain 2 20.1%
Grain icon  15.00 kg Malt fumé hêtre, cerisier, aulne (4.0 EBC) Grain 3 7.5%
Grain icon  10.00 kg Carabrique light (100.0 EBC) Grain 4 5.0%
Grain icon  10.00 kg Munich light (20.0 EBC) Grain 5 5.0%
Grain icon  9.40 kg Orge crue (5.0 EBC) Grain 6 4.7%
Grain icon  6.50 kg Caraoat (10.0 EBC) Grain 7 3.3%
Misc icon  12000.0 g Rameaux de genévrier cade - Boil 1.0 days Herb 8 ---
Hop icon  200.0 g Magnat (13.70%) - Boil 30.0 min Hop 9 7.9 IBU
Yeast icon  Yeast · Stalljen - Kveik Yeastery Yeast 10 -

Mash detail

Name Description Step temperature Step time
Mash step Mash in (Temperature) Add 512.0 l of water. Heat to 70.1 c 70.0 c 120 min
Mash step Mash out (Temperature) Heat to 76.0 c over 10 min 76.0 c 15 min
Mash step Filtering
Mash step Fly sparge Fly sparge with 397.3 l of water at 78.0 c


All grain - Batch size : 550.0 l

Est. original gravity: 1.073
1.076 1.120

Est. final gravity: 1.022
1.016 1.038

IBU: 7.9
0.0 15.0

Color: 22.4 EBC
7.9 43.3

ABV: 6.6%
7.00 11.00


Mash steps

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