30.D - Specialty Spice Beer (BJCP 2021)


An appealing combination of spices, herbs, or vegetables (SHVs), sugars, and beer, but still recognizable as beer. The SHV and sugar character should both be evident but in balance with the beer, not so forward as to suggest an artificial product.


Same as SHV Beer, except that some additional fermentables (e.g., honey, molasses) may add an aroma component. Whatever additional aroma component is present should be in balance with the SHV and the beer components, and be a pleasant combination.

Same as Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer.

Same as SHV Beer, except that some additional fermentables (e.g., honey, molasses) may add a flavor component. Whatever additional flavor component is present should be in balance with the SHV and the beer components, and be a pleasant combination. Added sugars should not have a raw, unfermented flavor. Some added sugars will have unfermentable elements that may provide a fuller and sweeter finish; fully fermentable sugars may thin out the finish.

Same as SHV Beer, although depending on the type of sugar added, could increase or decrease the body.



New Belgium Honey Orange Tripel, Westbrook It’s Tiki Time


Data Min. Max.
Original gravity 0.000 0.000
Final gravity 0.000 0.000
Bitterness 0.0 IBU 0.0 IBU
Color 0.0 EBC 0.0 EBC
Alcohol 0.00 ° 0.00 °

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