27.F - Historical Beer: Pre-Prohibition Lager (BJCP 2021)


A bitter and hoppy pale American adjunct lager, often with a robust, corny flavor profile, although more crisp and neutral-tasting versions exist.


Low to medium grainy maltiness. Low to moderate corn-like sweetness optional. Medium to moderately-high rustic, floral, herbal, or spicy hop aroma, not modern fruity or citrusy varieties. Clean fermentation profile. May show some yeast character, similar to modern American Lager. Low DMS acceptable.

Yellow to deep gold color. Substantial, long lasting white head. Bright clarity.

Medium to medium-high maltiness with a grainy flavor. Optional corn-like roundness and impression of sweetness. Substantial hop bitterness stands up to the malt and lingers through the dry, soft to crisp finish. Medium to high rustic, floral, herbal, or spicy hop flavor. Medium to high bitterness that is clean not coarse. No harsh aftertaste. Generally neutral fermentation profile, but some yeast character similar to American Lager is allowable.

Medium to medium-full body with a moderately rich and creamy mouthfeel. Smooth and well-lagered. Medium to high carbonation levels.


Six-row barley. Corn or rice adjuncts, up to 30%. Traditional American or Continental hops. Modern American hops are inappropriate. Lager yeast.


Capital Supper Club, Coors Batch 19, Little Harpeth Chicken Scratch, Schell Deer Brand, Urban Chestnut Forest Park Pilsner


Data Min. Max.
Original gravity 1.044 1.060
Final gravity 1.010 1.015
Bitterness 25.0 IBU 40.0 IBU
Color 5.9 EBC 11.8 EBC
Alcohol 4.50 ° 6.00 °

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