An unfiltered, unpasteurized, fully-attenuated German lager traditionally served from lagering vessels. May be a little richer, more robust, and rustic than the base styles. A fresh beer without fermentation defects associated with young, green (unfinished) beer.
Reflects base style. May have an added bready, yeasty character from the yeast. Clean. Pale versions can have a more robust hop character. Dark versions can have a richer malt profile.
Reflects base style. Can be somewhat hazy or cloudy, but never murky. Likely a little darker in appearance than the base style.
Reflects base style. May have an added bready, yeasty character from the yeast. Pale versions can have a more robust hop character. Dark versions can have a richer malt profile, but should never be roasty. May be slightly more bitter than the base style, and be a little heavier in the finish. Fully fermented with a clean fermentation profile; should not have eggy, buttery, apple-like, or similar flaws.
Reflects base style. May have a bit more body and a creamier texture than the base style. Carbonation typical of the base style, but may be lower.
Same as base styles. Traditionally naturally carbonated. Dry-hopping is not a traditional German brewing method, but some modern pale examples use this technique – which is allowable in this style as long as it is balanced. Traditionally lagered and unfiltered, these beers were never meant to be packaged for external sale.
Märzen – Faust Kräusen Naturtrüb, Mahrs Bräu aU Ungespundet Kellerbier; Dunkel – Engel Kellerbier Dunkel, Paulaner Ur-Dunkel Naturtrüb; Helles – ABK Kellerbier Naturtrüb, Löwenbräu 1747 Original; Pils – Giesinger Feines Pilschen, Ketterer Zwickel-Pils
Data | Min. | Max. |
Original gravity | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Final gravity | 0.000 | 0.000 |
Bitterness | 0.0 IBU | 0.0 IBU |
Color | 0.0 EBC | 0.0 EBC |
Alcohol | 0.00 ° | 0.00 ° |