16.D - Foreign Extra Stout (BJCP 2021)


A very dark, rich, moderately strong, fairly dry stout with prominent roast flavors.


Moderate to high roast, like coffee, dark chocolate, or lightly burnt grain. Low to medium fruitiness. May have a sweet aroma, or molasses, licorice, dried fruit, or vinous aromatics. Stronger versions can have a subtle, clean aroma of alcohol. Low earthy, herbal, or floral hop aroma optional. Low diacetyl optional.

Very deep brown to black in color. Clarity usually obscured by deep color. Clear, if not opaque. Large tan to brown head with good retention.

Moderate to high roast, like coffee, dark chocolate, or lightly burnt grain, although without a sharp bite. Low to medium esters. Medium to high bitterness. Moderately dry finish. Moderate earthy, herbal, or floral hop flavor optional. Medium-low diacetyl optional.

Medium-full to full body, often with a smooth, sometimes creamy character. May have a warming but not hot alcohol presence. Moderate to moderately-high carbonation.


Pale and dark roasted malts and grains, historically also could have used brown and amber malts. Hops mostly for bitterness, typically English varieties. May use adjuncts and sugar to boost gravity.


Coopers Best Extra Stout, Guinness Foreign Extra Stout, The Kernel Export Stout London 1890, La Cumbre Malpais Stout, Pelican Tsunami Export Stout, Ridgeway Foreign Export Stout


Data Min. Max.
Original gravity 1.056 1.075
Final gravity 1.010 1.018
Bitterness 50.0 IBU 70.0 IBU
Color 59.1 EBC 78.8 EBC
Alcohol 6.30 ° 8.00 °

Recipes on Zython (1)

All grain- 16.D - Foreign Extra Stout
6.8% 0 IBU 25.0 l Herulf

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