Little darling, I feel the ice is slowly melting beer color

Little darling, I feel the ice is slowly melting - Robust Porter

Type : All grain
Batch size : 0.1 l
Boil size : 3.8 l
Created date : June 11, 2016
Created by : Ololduck
Efficiency : 75.0%

Estimated beer profile

Pre-boil gravity: 1.238
Original gravity: 10.013
Final gravity: 3.253
Color: 399.5 EBC
ABV: 878.8%
Bitterness: 0.0 IBU

Real profile

Batch size: .......................
Pre-boil gravity: ....................
Original gravity: ....................
Final gravity: ....................
ABV: ....................


Amount Name Type # %/IBU
Grain icon  4.00 kg Weyermann® Pale Ale Malt (7.6 EBC) Grain 1 100.0%

Mash detail

Start adding a mash step