Citration du jour beer color

Citration du jour - American IPA

Type : All grain
Batch size : 25.0 l
Boil size : 31.5 l
Created date : Sept. 26, 2021
Created by : de_la_broue_dans_le_toupet
Efficiency : 80.0%

Estimated beer profile

Pre-boil gravity: 1.046
Original gravity: 1.058
Final gravity: 1.015
Color: 10.5 EBC
ABV: 5.6%
Bitterness: 59.5 IBU

Real profile

Batch size: .......................
Pre-boil gravity: ....................
Original gravity: ....................
Final gravity: ....................
ABV: ....................


Amount Name Type # %/IBU
Grain icon  5.00 kg Vienna Malt (6.9 EBC) Grain 1 83.3%
Grain icon  1.00 kg Pale Ale Malt (Weyermann) (3.0 EBC) Grain 2 16.7%
Hop icon  5.0 g Citra (12.00%) - Boil 60.0 min Hop 3 5.7 IBU
Hop icon  20.0 g Citra (12.00%) - Boil 20.0 min Hop 4 13.8 IBU
Hop icon  40.0 g Citra (12.00%) - Flame Out 20.0 min Hop 5 27.6 IBU
Hop icon  30.0 g Citra (12.00%) - Boil 10.0 min Hop 6 12.4 IBU
Hop icon  200.0 g Citra (12.00%) - Dry Hop 3.0 days Hop 7 0.0 IBU
Yeast icon  Yeast Safale S-04 Dry Ale Yeast (English) - Fermentis Yeast 8 -

Mash detail

Name Description Step temperature Step time
Mash step Mash in (Temperature) Add 19.7 l of water. Heat to 64.8 c over 10 min 62.0 c 15 min
Mash step Mash step (Temperature) Heat to 72.0 c over 10 min 72.0 c 50 min
Mash step Mash step (Temperature) Heat to 78.0 c over 10 min 78.0 c 10 min
Mash step Sparging (Temperature) Add 15.1 l of water. Heat to 78.0 c 78.0 c 15 min
Mash step Boil (Temperature) Heat to 100.0 c over 30 min 100.0 c 60 min
Mash step Infusion (Infusion) Heat to 75.0 c over 10 min 75.0 c 25 min
Mash step Filtering
Mash step Fly sparge Fly sparge with 2.7 l of water at 78.0 c