Jan. 16, 2018
Brewer: Aristide
Batch size: 
Type: All grain

Beer profile
Original gravity: 1.084
Final gravity: 1.020
Color: 9.5 EBC
IBU: 15.7
ABV: 8.3%

|                                                   | Pilsen 2RP ()                                                                                                          | Grain   | 1        | 100.0%     | 
|                                                   | Motueka (7.00%) - Boil 90.0 min                                                                                        | Hop     | 2        | 7.0 IBUs   | 
|                                                   | Motueka (7.00%) - Boil 40.0 min                                                                                        | Hop     | 3        | 8.7 IBUs   | 
|                                                   | Motueka - hopstand 85 (7.00%) - Boil 0.0 min                                                                           | Hop     | 4        | 0.0 IBUs   | 
|                                                   | Macération mandarine - ( 14.0 min)                                                                                     | Spice   | 5        | -          | 

Mash steps
| Mash in                                           | Add  of water. Heat over                                                                                               |         | 60 min   | 

Fly sparge with  of water at